Join Souderton Connects
Associate Memberships
We would like to promote all qualified businesses within the Borough of Souderton by making Associate Memberships available for purchase.
Types Of Entities Who Are Eligible to Apply
Retail and consumer-focused businesses paying rent to Souderton Borough as their landlord. At this time, nonprofits are not eligible to apply.
Business - Annual dues equal to 4.5% of the property tax assessment *
*If the property is tax exempt, an estimate of the tax assessment will be made using the Montgomery County Property Records.
Benefits of Membership
Listing on our Business Directory (Website)
Listing on our Souderton Business Map
Eligibility to have a Souderton Business Spotlight
No charge for vendor table at 3rd Fridays (Runs April - October, a $350 value based on 2022 pricing)
Access to our Digital Sign (Penndot estimates 9400 vehicles drive this road each day)
• Business location must be within Souderton Borough
• Business License required at time of registration
• Associate members will not have the ability to vote, but all are welcome to voice opinions at monthly board meetings
• Registration must be approved by the board
• Annual assessment can be prorated based on time of application
• Memberships are renewed annually and billed at the beginning of the year
• Payment is due with your registration